

Youth Group at Elsberry UMC
Here at Elsberry United Methodist Church, the youth hold a special place in our community's heart. Our dedication to their growth goes beyond providing knowledge about Jesus, God, and the Bible; it encompasses creating a nurturing environment that fosters their spiritual, emotional, and personal development. Through engaging programs, discussions, and activities tailored to their needs, we guide our youth on a journey of exploration and understanding.

In this safe and faithful environment, we prioritize open communication, encouraging them to voice their thoughts, questions, and experiences. It's not just about learning; it's about empowering our youth to navigate life's challenges with a strong foundation of faith.

Marleen Frein leads this invaluable ministry, ensuring our youth have the tools and support they need to thrive. If you're curious to learn more about this dynamic and impactful program or wish to contribute, please reach out to Marleen at Together, we're shaping a future where our youth flourish in their spiritual growth and contribute meaningfully to our shared community.